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The Neuroscience of Pain

Accredited for 10 CPD points

Psychologists,  Registered Counsellors, Medical Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Psychiatrists, Neuro-Psychologists , Occupational Therapists and Chiropractors

Presented by Dr Marnin J Romm


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You must complete the course and quiz by December 31 2023

About this course:

The biopsychosocial approach to understanding pain has been identified as the most successful model to date, in that it encapsulates the broader issues embedded in the interactions among the biological, psychological, and social components unique to each individual.

This course will focus on the The Biopsychosocial model and focus on the following aspects

  • Run through a general introduction of pain science
  • Understand peripheral mechanisms contributing to pain ie noxious stimulus
  • Understand mechanisms in the spinal cord contributing to pain
  • Understand the brain`s role in pain
  • Understand descending faciliatory pathways contributing to the pain experience/pain perception
  • Understand simple pharmacology related to pain mechanisms
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