Interdisciplinary Assessment of Chronic and Complex Pain

Live Webinar
Presented by Dr. Marnin J Romm


Register for the webinar

Date: 4th and 5th of December 2024

Time: 18:00 to 21:00

Accreditation: 7 CPD Points

Price: R1299

For Who: Medical Practitioners | Psychiatrists | Physiotherapists | Neuropsychologists | Psychologists | Occupational Therapists | Chiropractors


About the webinar

Assessing and diagnosing a patient’s chronic pain problem is not straightforward or well- defined.
How chronic pain is conceptualized influences how pain is evaluated. There is no one-to-one relationship between the amount or type of organic pathology, pain intensity and overall pain perception.
Instead, the chronic pain experience is shaped by a myriad of neuroscientific, biomedical, psychosocial and behavioural factors. 
Assessing each of these domains and addressing all mechanisms underlying chronic and complex pain through a patient-centered approach is essential for treatment decisions and to facilitate optimal outcomes.
This webinar introduces the key notion of interdisciplinary pain assessment and specifies the importance of this model when evaluating individuals’ pain so as to manage the complexity of chronic and complex pain in it’s entirety.

About Marnin J Romm

Dr Marnin J Romm

Dr. Marnin J Romm: Dr. Romm is a specialist interdisciplinary Pain Management clinician and academic currently based in Boston USA.

He has a PhD in PT (pain management), an MSc in both Pain Science and Physical Therapy and also an Honors degree in Clinical Psychology.

In addition to being a faculty member for various academic institutions, Dr. Romm is affiliated with Harvard Medical School as a pain science research fellow in the Neuromodulation lab.

Marnin is an assistant professor in interdisciplinary pain neuroscience and pain management.

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