Accredited by:
Accreditation number: Lan 133
This module deals with different bulk storage methods applicable in any processing environment such as the chemical, pharmaceutical, minerals, plastic and beverage industries.
With the development of new technology, there has been a revolution in storage methods used. Initially, oil being pumped from the earth was stored in wooden barrels similar to wooden wine casks or kept in holes and wells. This method had many problems such as leakage, evaporation, fragility, etc. As time went by, tanks were firstly manufactured in one shape only and from heavy, thick plates that were joined by bolts.
Today, the plates are welded together and are much thinner and lighter than the original ones. Tanks are also available in different sizes and shapes that vary according to the pressure requirements and the products stored. There are strict standards for the manufacturing of tanks to avoid health or environmental hazards.
In this module you will be looking at the different methods used to store large volumes of liquids, gasses and solids in a process plant.
The first unit, which focuses on the principles of material storage, gives you a background on the purposes and reasons for using different storage methods and configurations.
Unit two gives information on the various flow patterns of solids, the problems experienced and the different storage vessels used with regards to storing solids.
The third unit focuses on liquid storage methods whereas the fourth unit discusses various gas storage methods.
The last unit looks into basic hazards and safety with regards to bulk storage.
At the conclusion of each unit, you will be given exercises to complete. These exercises form part of your portfolio of evidence and must be submitted to the facilitator on completion.